This week’s blog as the one before, is short and hopefully helpful. Much change is coming my way, which will skew my schedule both here in the United States (US) and abroad. I continue to pray for good health as God leads me on these journeys. The last year has brought everyone to deep places of discernment and reflection. And often when applied individually and collectively, transformation comes. Transformation liked and those disliked are sometimes required to excel and experience success.
For this reason, in this quick expression, I highlight a few steps toward organizational modification in leadership models. My brief suggestions are:
- No matter your business model, be sure to know your intent. Infusing a SWOT analysis is equally important in this step because it lays the framework to identify what you know, what you need to know, what is readily available to you, and understand competitors models and what hindrances are threats.
- Get your team involved. Consistently ask their opinions.
- Be sure to listen carefully without preconceive thoughts and prepared responses.
- Remain congruent when it comes to suggestions.
- Stay focused on the course. Make constant adjustments, if needed.
The success of your business takes careful approaches, which should include every person involved. Transparency is the key when change is necessary. Remember, in business God knows everything, but those who report to you do not. Try to remain vigilant about sharing vital information!