For those of you who know me personally, you are aware that currently I am in the throes of many editorial research projects. In addition, I am also editing several publications. Life has been a bit chaotic these days. However, I push through.
Today, I thought to briefly step in to wish you a great week. If I am not traveling next week, I will touch more on the topic of obtaining and embracing a moving mindset. What I mean by this is, I’ll discuss how to not get stuck in your thoughts, which can produce stagnant behaviors. Being stuck is metaphorical. This means, being stuck looks different for everyone. This week I advise you to make a list of the pros and cons of why you may hold on to indecisive behaviors or even why you may say something negative without thinking things through. Yes, the latter is indeed being stuck. Even though there appears to be movement, the stuck can be negativity, aggressive behavior, jumping to conclusion or the need to be right. All as probable known comfort.
Be cognizant of how you feel in every situation or interaction with the people you know or those you would like to know better. Make note of your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Go deeper with each feeling and assess them one by one.
Until next week, I hope you enjoy this simple exercise.