As I move ever so closer to completing a long educational journey, I have given great thought on the doings and integrations of the future life ahead for me. I know in all things, no matter what I think I need, in listening to God and not skewing His words to meet my own needs, He will lead me where I should be.
One question I have been deeply discerning, is what my administrative work in the manner of serving churches will look like after I have finished the educational journey, mentioned above. I have searched deep in the last three years and received, just last week, the answers I sought. In every will of me, I know I cannot serve churches, not teaching the word of God as they were meant to be taught. My belief is that the Canon is closed. It is finished. Nothing created by man or believed after its completion, can change that.
Unfortunately, there are many current churches through weekly teachings, instilling ideas and beliefs that are just not what God said/says or want from us. For this reason, should I continue to serve in an administrative role to grow God’s Kingdom, I must be selective and focus only on Bible teaching churches. These are normally smaller and quieter churches, and I believe they are exactly the ones God is directing me to cultivate.
Charles Spurgeon wrote: “When a man does not make me understand what he means, it is because he does not himself know what he means.” Here, in this very quote from Spurgeon, is where I see the gap in several churches of today. I argue that those focused on what God can give, are so grounded in gain, it is inconceivably impossible to know of God’s truth…to know what He really means, in His words, in their entirety.
Another revelation I received in the last week, is that even though I have not done too much of this, my approach moving forward will not be pastoral or preaching. I must respect the Bible and my role as a woman. Even though I have seminary training, I will not be using any ministerial titles in the front of my name any longer. My devotion to God in this context, will be shared through writing, research, helping women’s ministries, teaching students, and missionary work through CharlotteO Missions Ministries. Any Biblical education I receive in the future, will be completed to honor God and only in the pastoring of women’s ministries.
Yes… the Canon is closed. With still occurring miracles from God with special gifts such as administration, mercy, kindness, gentleness, teaching (for me as a woman, this means-in writing, Bible studies, etc.), hospitality, and more, represented in daily walk, his requests are delivered in me. Therefore, there’s no need for me to go searching for miracles. God’s miracles are organic, they are never psychosomatic. The gifts in the Bible…the completed Canon, are indeed, sufficient for me.
To touch on leadership this week, I would encourage you to read the book below as a commentary on the leadership of Charles Spurgeon. This is not a paid endorsement. It is only a suggestion.
As leaders, we are servants.
Jesus said:
“But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:26
Always remember, Jesus as God, was a servant to God, Himself! Let us recognize, when we serve others, especially in speaking His words, with truth, this is the most supreme way to honor Him.
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