The month of April was full, and the entire summer months will be the same. For this reason, rest comes for this summer 2022, and I’ll produce more writings in September. See you soon! Charlotte
Influences of Projects and Tasks on Decision Making
Let’s face it; currently, the world is boisterous. There are noises of war, despair, hunger, human displacement, consistent abuse, injustices, power-hungry leaders, integrity deficiencies, blatant mistruths, significant shortages of emotional intelligence, and of course, so much more. Noise in psychology refers to physical or psychological disturbances that interrupt efficient communication systems. Likewise, noise may createRead More
Imperatives of Leadership Boundaries
Leaders who strive for cohesive work environments consider all angles of this framework. Most leaders strategically aligned to work and nonwork aspects consider setting boundaries the most crucial point in this process. Overlap of work environments and team building events most likely mesh in most circumstances, and it’s up leaders to ensure that the imperativesRead More
The Growing Need for Peace at Work
When the world is in chaos, and our hearts crave peace, the time comes when the adage “enough is enough” consistently repeats in the mind until the statement meets the decision we place into action. And although there are some second guesses, we move toward them in the context of imminent action anyway. WeRead More
Optimism’s Role in Everyday Success
One of the most challenging tasks for a leader is working with highly sensitive people. In these instances, it appears that every suggestion made is viewed as criticism. Nothing ever seems to work. Leaders faced with this dilemma often grasp at straws to locate one long straw to help determine a successful day. However,Read More
Communicating Effectively in Initial Work and Consulting Presentations
Communicating with comfort and confidence is not an easy task. Outside of familiar surroundings it is often arduous for shy, introverted, and people who carry social anxieties. In addition, communicating with someone a person may find attractive can quickly be developed by dread, which often causes internal chaos. But then there’s the expert communicators makeRead More
Why “stay” interviews can help improve organizational culture and employee retention
Anyone who has resigned or has been fired from a job has probably been through an exit interview. However, with the Great Resignation still in full force, it would be advisable for managers to conduct “stay” interviews, which could possibly help to improve employee retention. A “Stay” interview is a process designed to checkRead More
The Unprecedented Resigns
A prediction by Anthony Klotz is now a reality for many work environments. In 2019, Klotz, a Mays Business School/Texas A&M professor, predicted the ‘Great Resignation”. To validate his prediction, in August 2021, the U.S. Labor Department produced findings that showed more than 4.3 million Americans just quit their jobs. Some reasons for thisRead More
Breaking the Links of the Dark Triad When Apparent in Leadership
Often it is complicated to breakthrough leadership narcissism. Many studies have proposed that it is a struggle to adjust or implement any change management approaches when this behavior is present. In motion, signs of moral conflicts, antisocial behaviors, and even psychopathy are common. A research study conducted by Paulus and Williams (2002) discussed these concerns.Read More
Some Observations of Leadership in the Age of COVID-19
In the last 19 months, leadership trends and concepts have been at the forefront of many organizational discussions. Relating to these discussions, mostly, many organizations are grappling with the challenge of staff shortages, employees who want to continue working remotely, and those who have decided to skip the 9-5 work responsibilities all together, to createRead More
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